


Always wanted to have that ‘je ne sais quoi’?

Everyone has the capacity to be a gentleman/gentlewoman. Learn the niceties of polite etiquette and manners.

Distinguish yourself from others.

Wedding Etiquette

Host the wedding with the difference. From wedding layout to guest experience, make yours extra special.


The art of… penning and presenting

Looking for something different this year? A new experience, centred around culinary decadence, set in an age of style. Our experience days encompass a plethora of elegance, from choosing your own vintage costume, a fine dining experience or afternoon tea, all set in a fabulous location or at an event.

Letter writing skills, writing speeches or how to present confidently.

I teach workshops which include the following features:

-letter writing- the correct layout and structure, greetings, tone, and achieving the desired outcome

-speech and presentation writing- creating a structure to thoughts, tone, knowing audience

- how to present your speeches or to improve your presentation skills, dealing with nerves, and staying on track