Children and young adults


Emphasis is all too often placed solely on academic achievement as a gauge of success in adult life, forgetting the necessity of good communication, self-respect and respect for others, basic manners and etiquette and being HAPPY. Etiquette, British or otherwise, is often globally the differentiator between those with wider opportunities and those more limited. It spans all social and economic classes. Not just that, but an understanding of oneself, being able to handle stress and change and being able to control our mood, are the pillars of emotional intelligence, which, when combined with etiquette, can be powerful in improving the way we learn, think and behave. Giving children this gift of boosting their confidence and knowing how to behave in different situations can set them up for a life of opportunity and success. Learning manners and etiquette at a young age ensures it becomes second nature. All courses are inclusive, interactive and fun!

“Good manners will open the doors that the best education cannot”
— Clarence Thomas

Young children

Elephants never forget their manners!

Elephants never forget their manners!

Knowing your child has the skills to behave properly in all manner of situations can be a weight off many parents’ shoulders. Being able to take children with you to social events, assured that their conduct will be appropriate, can really help strengthen family relationships, grow your child’s confidence, whilst enabling you to enjoy various social occasions without the need for a babysitter. For children, knowing how to behave instills self-confidence and security.

These classes can be taught individually or in a group and generally take the form of a series of 1 lesson of 1 hour per week, over a 6 week period, with groups not exceeding 6 and focus on the topics of:

-introducing yourself and talking to new people

-manners and respect

-basic dining etiquette


- basic EQ

-personal hygiene and image


Young adults (12+)

Helping young adults navigate through a period of life so fundamental to success in adult life, is paramount. When faced with a plethora of social media influences, the stresses of school and college, university applications and work experience, it is easy to lose sight of that sense of self. However, learning and developing etiquette skills and emotional intelligence equips young adults with skills which differentiate them from their peers, boosting self-confidence and developing a polished, emotionally intelligent and above all, happy, human being, ready to make their way in the world.

These classes can be taught individually or in a group consisting of no more than 10 students, in a series of 2 hour classes, once weekly, over a 6 week period and focus on the topics of:

-social etiquette


-formal dining etiquette

-social media

-EQ and improving learning

- interviews and work experience

-correspondence etiquette

-personal hygiene and image


Bespoke programmes for larger groups


I am happy to construct a programme to suit your and your child’s requirements. One-to-one or group tuition; home visits are possible also.