
The art of… Fine Dining

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“One instinctively knows when something is right”, according to Croft Original. However, generally one only notices when something is wrong. This can be crucial in networking and social events as incorrect dining etiquette will be noticed- it can make such a difference in opportunities.

Perhaps you were the one who ate the bread roll actually belonging to the person sitting beside you…

Or maybe you were the one trying to copy which cutlery your fellow diners used because you were unsure…

Perhaps you just feel your dining etiquette needs refreshing.

Or you may simply fancy an entertaining, informative and fun fine dining experience in a high-class restaurant for a lunch or evening of fine food and good conversation whilst learning the traditions, idiosyncrasies and quirky practicality of fine dining etiquette!

Whatever the reason, these fun, engaging courses will teach you how to approach any fine dining experience with ease and confidence.

“Fine dining encompasses far more than the correct cutlery to use: confidence, cutlery, conversation”- Sophia Lingham

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The art of… Afternoon Tea

Gluten free, vegetarian and vegan options available.

Learn the quirky history and practical etiquette of this truly British occasion!


The art of…General Social Etiquette

Etiquette for confidence, etiquette for respect, etiquette for success.

These one day courses incorporate a lunch or afternoon tea session, plus lessons in deportment, introductions, conversation, manners, and teachings in the following:

Incorporating EQ (emotional intelligence): unless you live alone in a cave, most people have a degree of EQ purely via social interaction. However, the level of your emotional intelligence can really affect how you see yourself and the ability you have to control your own emotions. Self-intuition and understanding are fundamental to enabling yourself to understand others, making the most from every situation and opportunity, creating respectful, mutually beneficial and long-lasting working and personal relationships.

Social Media and other correspondence: to include email correspondence, social media behavior, reviews

International etiquette: etiquette and manners differ globally; discover international etiquette variations and learn how to make a great impression wherever you happen to be!