Emotional intelligence



Has anxiety, low-mood or low self-confidence ever stopped you from following your dream?

How can you reduce incidences of emotional hijacking?

How can you improve your ability to make lasting and successful relationships, both business and personal?

How can you use emotional intelligence to become a better leader?

How can you use emotional intelligence to avoid stress?

How can you become happier in your work and home life?

If these questions have ever crossed your mind then read on- you have started your journey to becoming more emotionally intelligent!

Emotional intelligence, or the ability to understand and control your own emotions (intra-personal), whilst recognising and understanding the emotions of others (inter-personal), is a fundamental skill. It is so fundamental to our wellbeing and capacity to form relationships, not to mention to our ultimate success and happiness. Yet so few of us possess this key skill. Indeed, Danial Goleman, internationally recognised psychologist, hails it as the key to happiness.

Self-awareness, learning to control your impulses, self-motivation, empathy, resilience, social understanding, ability and confidence, and the ability to control your mood are just a few of the skills taught during my courses.

‘Anyone can become angry- that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way- this is not easy’
— Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics

I teach individuals and business groups. During my courses, I cover the fundamentals of emotional intelligence understanding, including:

-knowing, understanding and managing your emotions

-recognising others’ emotions and the importance of empathy

-understanding and handling relationships

Further into the courses, we delve into the ideas of mindfulness, resilience and happiness, along with skills for business including leadership and influence.

Emotional intelligence learning, however, is a continual process throughout life. Courses will teach you how to start your journey of self-understanding and develop your confidence, but practice is the key to lasting success.

Contact me to discuss the emotional intelligence course to suit you