My Philosophy


My name is pronounced ‘So-fire’, not ‘So-fear’- a crucial difference in mentality. Fire versus fear has been my mantra throughout life. Having lived in Asia, the Middle East and Europe, I know the feeling of being catapulted into a totally new country and way of life. Having the confidence in my skills of etiquette and manners allowed me to integrate sustainably into each new life. Etiquette should be accompanied by kindness and respect; knowing the rules of etiquette means little if you have not mastered the manners to accompany them, a mistake made by many.

The wonderful thing about etiquette is that it does not belong to a social class; anyone and everyone has the potential to develop their own striking balance between timeless manners and their signature aplomb!

An initial discussion to get to know you and what you want to achieve, whether it just be for a fun one-off experience, or a longer term behavior change, allows me to create a bespoke experience for you. Lessons provide practical knowledge you can put into practice immediately. I incorporate emotional intelligence learning and development into my teaching as much as possible, as an understanding of this is the key to lasting, self-development.

It’s 3D, all- encompassing and sustainable. Taking change from academic to practical, the first step is curiosity, which led you here. The next is being willing to open your mind.